[plug] Boot

Bernard Blackham bernard at blackham.com.au
Thu Aug 8 22:45:36 WST 2002

On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 02:09:42PM +0800, Leon Blackwell wrote:
> The "Debian way" is to use update-rc.d (check the man page) to update
> all the System V init scripts, so my guess would be to look there.

Speaking of "Debian way"[s], what about dpkg-divert? This idea just
sprung to mind:

 dpkg-divert --divert /etc/rc2.d/sXXyyyyy --add /etc/rc2.d/SXXyyyyy

Not having tried it, nor worked with diversions recently, I think
this will tell debian to put all future editions of
/etc/rc2.d/SXXyyyyy to /etc/rc2.d/sXXyyyyy, though you will need to
move it manually the first time.

This should then hold through upgrades. But having never done this
before, I'll give it a shot tonight and see if it works on next



 Bernard Blackham
 bernard at blackham.com.au
 Australian Linux Technical Conference 2003: http://www.linux.conf.au/

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