[plug] Focussing Mozilla (or any window?) via a command?

Leon Blackwell leon at lostrealm.com
Fri Aug 9 15:17:13 WST 2002

On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 02:39:10PM +0800, Trevor Phillips wrote:
> I don't mind an app-specific thing. Or even a KDE specific thing (this
> is KDE 3.0.2 - hence me being able to bind the funky "Internet"
> buttons to things.  ^_^)

If you can bind your keys to commands, you should be able to use
mozilla's remote control features to open a new browser window with the
following command:

mozilla -remote 'xfeDoCommand (openBrowser)'

Of course, if mozilla isn't open, that won't work.  Something like this
will get around that problem:

mozilla -remote 'xfeDoCommand (openBrowser)' || mozilla

Unfortunately, the "-raise" option from Netscape hasn't been included in
Mozilla (yet).

 Leon Blackwell                | Many Bothans died to bring us this
 http://www.lostrealm.com/     | email.
 jabber:lionfire at lostrealm.com |

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