[plug] PostgreSQL & web page interface

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Wed Aug 21 23:06:44 WST 2002

On Wed, 21 Aug 2002 22:07, Tim Bowden wrote:
> I need to create a web based interface to a postgreSQL database.  What
> tools are available for this & what are the pros & cons of each option?

PHP (easy), PERL (not so easy, eventually more flexible), Python (as 
mod_python, mod_snake or in Zope) much more structured than either of the 
above but not as well supported (except in Zope), Ruby (in - surprise - 
mod_ruby) even more so on both counts all have PostgreSQL interfaces. IIRC 
Roxen (based on Pike) does too.

You could also use VB/ASP, if you're the kind of person who likes to fill your 
bed with broken glass and used needles before retiring of an evening. (-:

Hey, this is Linux... it would be possible to use the webserver written in 
BASH and invoke psql to do the queries.

Cheers; Leon

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