[plug] XF86Config-4

Harry McNally harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Thu Aug 22 11:56:00 WST 2002

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002 11:26:26 +0800 "James Elliott" <James.Elliott at wn.com.au>

> I too have just installed the latest version of Debian (the 7 CD version)
> and even though I ticked the box saying I wanted X window system installed,
> I cannot get it to run
> startx &    only generates a "no such command" error message.

Hi James

I think you aren't even at that stage yet. What I'd suggest is that you run (as

# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

And follow the config statements and selections carefully. If, instead of text
menues, it says something like:

Package `xserver-xfree86' is not installed

then ticking the X Window box didn't install X. In which case (as root):

# apt-get install x-window-system

should do it I think and it will then ask all the config questions as it
installs (no need for the dpkg-reconfigure in this case)

Check all this out and see what happens. In either configuration, there might be
a question, do you want to set xserver-xfree86 as the default X server (or
somesuch) say Yes.

NB When it asks any questions about letting DEBCONF do the configuration, say
Yes. You only need to tweek thinks yourself when: a) you have more knowledge, or
b) it (rarely) doesn't go .. in which case, refer a), or
c) you reely want to get in there and merrily tweek away .. in which case,
observe a) :)  

Lastly, xserver-xfree86 is the version 4 XFree86. If you have old hardware, it
is sometimes necessary to go to version 3 but if you machine is 4-5 hears old or
newer, I think it should be ok. Try version 4 first.


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