[plug] RH7.x

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Mon Aug 26 14:16:54 WST 2002

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Bret Busby wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima wrote:
> <snip>
> > 
> > Having said that I'm talking from RedHat 6.x I still haven't played with any
> > of 7.x serries, as I was uninpressed with 7.1 when I tried it.
> > 
> > 
> Perhaps, it could be worth you having a look at 7.3?

My main beef with the RedHat 7 series, was the focus on desktop and 
GUI at the (IMO) cost of stability and ease of use.  They did do some good
things (like crypto) but that's just as eay to bolt onto RedHat6.x
> From what has been mentioned on the list, 7.1 had lots of broken bits, 

I wasn't really bitten by bugs of broken bits, I just didn't like the changes
they made.

> that were fixed by 7.3, and the latest kernel (from the up2date agent) 
> is 2.4.18-10 (from memory), so the up2date agent (when it works) is 
> pretty good for keeping up to date, from most aspects.

up2date, isn't a factor for me.  I've been running local (work and home)
RedHat mirrors since 3.0.3:


VER=$(rpm -q --queryformat "%{version}\n" -f /etc/redhat-release)
cd ~ftp/mirror/RedHat/$VER/updates/
rpm -Fvh $(ls i386/*.rpm | grep -v kernel) \
         $(ls `uname -m`/*.rpm noarch/*.rpm)

> I asume that the PLUG library has a copy of 7.3?


Yours Tony

   Jan 22-25 2003           Linux.Conf.AU            http://linux.conf.au/
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