[plug] And with impeccable timing [link] RH as next MS?

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Tue Aug 27 11:59:46 WST 2002

Ah, well, this should cheer you up, Bret, WRT to RedHat and charging for 


    RadioheadKid writes "This article featured on eWeek asks the question 'Red
    Hat: Next Redmond?' It quotes an IBM VP who says, 'There is a backlash
    against Red Hat from many consumers and government agencies, who fear it
    is increasingly becoming the Microsoft of the Linux world with respect to
    its dominance and attitude,' while Red Hat states: 'Our commitment to open
    source remains absolute, no matter what our competitors are saying.' Is
    this just some pro-UnitedLinux spin, or a valid concern? What do you
    think?" Such characterizations are nothing new, but a response on
    NewsForge from Red Hat's Jeremy Hogan supplies a counterpoint to make the
    eWeek article worth reading. (Has anyone really seen a Red Hat backlash?)

Cheers; Leon

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