[plug] Just a proposal.... Linux-OT

I am the LinuxAlien linuxalien at optusnet.com.au
Sat Dec 28 08:34:33 WST 2002

Maybe if people could just put a [OT] tag in there messages (and not tags 
like [OT verry] and so on) then it is easy to set up a filter like i have 
that marks them as read and puts them in a separate mail box. it is to hard 
to define a filter for this if the [OT] tag becomes things like [still OT] 
and so on. Maybe if the filter is set up to filter OT] or [OT then there is 
room for more descriptive subject lines.
At 01:06 28/12/2002 +0800, you wrote:

> >  Perhaps we need an OT list for such things... Thus those not
> >  interested dont subscribe.
>I strongly disagree, even tho I have been a bad offender.  I am actually
>embarrassed that I allowed myself to be 'baited' into participating in some
>of these threads.  There is more than enough list and blogs for this sort of
>thing, and it rapidly gets into deeply political or religious things, where
>recourse to logic is no saviour.  That is, there is no provably (or
>falsifiably) right or wrong position.
>Personally, I think we (the PLUGgers) should stick to Linux, and the
>politics (and maybe religion?) thereof, hypocrite that I may be.
>If there is to be such an OT list, then someone should run it as a personal
>thing, unaffiliated with PLUG.


Riverton, Perth, WA

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