[plug] plastic cases like video cassette case that hold 3 cds?

Hook hooker at opera.iinet.net.au
Wed Feb 6 19:43:22 WST 2002

Daniel said :

> Hi Plug, I know it's a small and basic request: I have a plastic cd holder
> from one of the computer magazines that is perfect to hold 3 cds and slip
> piece of paper in promoting plug.  This would probably be the ideal holder
> for distributions for libraries - it would promote plug very
> and allow a very generic cover that could have the 'Mandrake' cds swapped
> for a newer version when required.
> Does anyone know where we might be able to get a few more?

Daniel, I've got about 20 spare plastic CD holders. 3 or 4 hold 2 CDs, none
for 3 I'm afraid, and the rest hold one. If you want any / all, make me an
offer.  It'll help clear my office a bit :-)

The Hooker

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