[plug] BIND

Andrew Barbara Andrew at mmtnetworks.com.au
Thu Feb 7 15:44:17 WST 2002

yep its running i can see the process in ps and also if i do a netstat -nlp i can see it listning on the ports.  The firewall has NO rules and the default policy is ACCEPT.

Andrew Barbara,  MCP
MMT Networks Pty Ltd

>>> jensz at wn.com.au 02/07/02 02:56PM >>>
ps ax | grep named

See if it is indeed running.  If its not, examine /var/log/messages for a
reason for it not starting.

Did you enable the "firewall" during the install?

iptables -L
iptables -t nat -L
iptables -t mangle -L

And see if there are any rules enabled that would interfere with access to

Just a few things to look at first.  HTH :)

/ Ben

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Barbara" <Andrew at mmtnetworks.com.au>
To: <plug at plug.linux.org.au>
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 3:33 PM
Subject: [plug] BIND

I have just installed an RH7.2 server and BIND 9.1.3-4 came on it by
default. I started bind and tryed to do a dig but it just tmed out. My
/etec/resolve.conf has "nameserver" in it on the second line under
the search statement.
The iptables is empty.
What could be wrong?

Andrew Barbara,  MCP
MMT Networks Pty Ltd
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