[plug] GPL etc - library wants written proof Linux cds can be freely distributed

Daniel cottmain at yahoo.com.au
Mon Feb 11 22:14:34 WST 2002

Hello All, the Central TAFE library is spooked by having cds with hand 
written labels for people to borrow.

First they told me it costs a lot to register these things and maybe it's 
not worthwhile doing just to check up on if the things come back or 
not.  [I think they reckon they've got an eccentric bloke on their hands 
who wants them to take on disks nobody is interested in anyway.(I had to 
see the manager for permission to put promotional brochures there) ]

Now they want to have some kind of proof that these cds can be freely 
Q. Has anyone gone through this before?
I just wanted to know before asking Tony to write something on PLUG letterhead.
[I know I could just look up a url, but I didn't get the impression that 
would satisfy them]


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