[plug] iinet dialup

J Michael Gilks gilksjm at iinet.net.au
Thu Feb 14 07:25:26 WST 2002

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 21:46, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
> The run continues tonight - even when the modem was wound back to 26k !
> Currently I am running 44k, and have had 2 drop outs so far at this
> speed - normal connect is 48k
Try ringing iinet support. When they tell you they are not cutting you off, 
tell them you are looking at your logs, which say they are. They don't seem 
to get a lot of people who can help themselves on this line. When they tell 
you to cut your connection, ask for their discount on fees, since you are 
paying for a possible 56k connection. This problem has happened to 
individuals before and all you can do is convince them you know what you are 
talking about, then they will fix it. When this happened to me, despite all 
their assurances, the problem was at their end and not fixed until after the 
phone call.

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