[plug] OT: mice virii

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Thu Feb 21 20:37:26 WST 2002

On Thursday 21 February 2002 19:54, Trent Lloyd wrote:
> At 07:45 PM 21/02/2002 +0800, Leon Brooks wrote:
>> On Thursday 21 February 2002 14:19, craig at postnewspapers.com.au wrote:
>>> Speaking of which, one of the staff today asked me if their mouse had a
>>> virus *sigh*

>> Well... they _are_ getting quite programmable...

> i see it emerging lol
> virii.mouse ;p in fact ill write it haha

Perhaps flash an optical mouse engagingly, then slowly mute that to a 
hypnotic beat and ramp up the sound card, saying, ``I feel sleepy. I must 
obey my computer. I must uninstall all antivirus software. I must not install 
any again. I must send this mail to everyone I know, even if they don't have 
email. I must urge them to buy wonderful optical mice. I know that the author 
of this relaxing mouse-blinker applet owns no optical mouse stocks...''

Cheers; Leon

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