[plug] OT: mice virii

Andrew Pamment apamment at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 22 21:18:11 WST 2002

Leon Brooks wrote:

> Perhaps flash an optical mouse engagingly, then slowly mute that to a 

i don't think that would work. if i flashed a mouse it would just die. 
the sound card thing would then be wasted.

i think if you set up a mechanism to tap it's buttons periodically, 
perhaps once every five minutes, just when it was about to fall asleep. 
you know the red light dims, just tap it. it would get so overtired. 
then start giving it some sort seritonin injection to make it depressed 
and lose it's will. while it is in this suggestive state show it 
pictures of ordinary mice destroying it's homeland and taking away 
everything that it once held dear. show it human beings with optical 
mouse hate signs. it's resistors will be less resisting, it's capaceters 
will be less capacatent but it's sensitivity will be vastly inproved. it 
will fly off the screen at the slightest provocation.

let it's primal hate, anger and fear take over, in this state, it won't 
even need to replicate itself, it'll summon all it's fury into one final 
destructive action, it'll shine it's light like it's never shone before 
into the eyes of some powerful president who will be momentarily 
blinded, trip over a bag of money and press the launch nuclear attack 
button. and, mouses mice, virii or viruses wouldn't even matter anymore, 
because in a few blinding flashes, all that was and ever will be will 
cease to exist.


     science chases money
and money chases it's tail
  and the best minds of my generation
        can't make bail.

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