[plug] EVENT RELEASE: PLUG to Host Linux.conf.au

Jacqueline McNally jacqueline at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Fri Feb 22 08:43:41 WST 2002

Thank you to those of you that replied to my query of "where do you look 
for Linux news?" Your replies introduced me to some new sites and also led 
me astray browsing comedy, satirist sites, and what's all the fuss about 
this Perl stuff anyway :)

Overnight, our press release has been published on:
Linux Today http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2002-02-21-006-20-PS
Linux Weekly News http://lwn.net/daily/ (look out for cropped BIB poster)
NewsForge http://www.newsforge.com/search.pl?topic=pr Thurs 21 Feb 07:41 AM EST

I would like to ask you to keep your eyes out for any mention of PLUG and 
the conference so that we can gauge the level and location of interest for 
subsequent press releases and articles.


Are you a computer angel? (www.ca.asn.au)
Linux.conf.au 2003 (http://perth2003.linux.conf.au/) 

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