[plug] Bootup services

Andrew Pamment apamment at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 25 20:47:14 WST 2002

Jon L.Miller wrote:

> I was under the impression that renaming the S## to K## also will prevent the 
> service from ruinning.
> Correct me if I'm wrong.

K means things to stop

S means things to start

if you want a service not to run you change the script in your init.d 
dir to not be executable.

ie. in SyS-V startup scripts, when you startup your comp, it has a 
script, which gets the runlevel from inittab, uses this directory 
/etc/rc.d/rc0.d for runlevel 0, starting all the S links (in order of 
the number) and stoping all the K ones - S takes priority over K.. your 
s links point to a relevent script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ usually, which 
the sysv script says, if the link starts with an S run the script with a 
start argument, if it starts with a K use a stop argument.

if the script your linking to is non executable, then it's not going to run.

that right everyone?


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