[plug] PCMCIA ethernet

Andrew Pamment apamment at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 27 08:33:59 WST 2002


my friend wants a PCMCIA ethernet card for an older laptop, i don't 
think it has cardbus or whatever that is. prefereble 100/10Mbits, does 
anyone have one laying about that they would like to sell? he can't 
afford too much. we will give it lots of loving attention and it will 
feel worthwile, happy and content that it has a place in society. so 
rest assured we'll give it a good home. he doesn't want to spend more 
than $50, so if anyone has anything or knows of anyone with something, 
can they let me know, off the list of course, we wouldn't want all the 
PCMCIA ethernet hoarders that lurk in mysterious parts of the internet 
just waiting for the oppertunity to quickly buy them for their own evil 
sadisitic pleasure, before i can work out whats going on.


If you want to know what God thinks of money,
    just look at those he gives it to.

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