[plug] mplayer was(Re:Window Managers)

Arkem arkem at mornmist.2y.net
Wed Jan 2 08:38:44 WST 2002

> Anyway, try Window Maker, Ice WM, Blackbox and maybe Enlightenment
> too. Can I suggest that you download "mplayer" from
> www.mplayerhq.hu and get the win32 codecs? Run this with Window
> Maker with a divx movie and full screen turned on and you're in
> absolute windoze replaced, X Windows heaven!

Yes mplayer is a wonderful program once you get it to compile and 
install satisfactorly (it took some fiddlin' and also a bit to figure 
out gui support isn't in by default) I still haven't gotten it so 
that it will run as non-root but I have no idea why (actually I might 
just need to give read privs to the codecs or something). Anyway 
mplayer is a very lovely program and combined with xmms it fufills 
all my multimedia needs ^_^

Oh and thanks everyone for the comments, I'm going to have to try out 
a few different window managers now.

Paul C

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