[plug] next meeting, the Saga of James and The Tie

Michael Hunt michael.j.hunt at usa.net
Mon Jul 8 12:43:19 WST 2002

Leon Brooks [mailto:leon at brooks.fdns.net] wrote:

> James, I can loan you a tie with Micky and Goofy in flight gear plus some
> Tomahawks (teeth and all) on a dark teal and burgundy background,
> or another
> burgundy one with large flowers, or a prominently `plain' scarlet
> one if you
> like. I can bring them along to LCA tonight, I think. I suspect
> you'll have
> to do the shirt, at least if you want to be able to see out. (-:

Anyone with Tux tie pins that were given out during a past Linux talk at IBM
are encouraged to wear them also.

Michael Hunt

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