[plug] X startup

Sacha Schlegel schlegel at cs.curtin.edu.au
Sat Jul 13 21:19:29 WST 2002

Hi Tim

If you are using debian gnu/linux:

In the directory /etc/init.d/

there is a file called xdm, which is a script that when it is executed
it starts the x login manager. gdm is the gnome login manager and if
installed has also a file in /etc/init.d/ called gdm

So your system starts up in runlevel X

You can find out your current runlevel with the command (as root)
"runlevel". My current runlevel is: N 2 (-> runlevel 2)

The file /etc/inittab tells the system which runlevel to load at

For each runlevel there is a directory in /etc

Runlevel 0 has /etc/rc0.d
Runlevel 1 has /etc/rc1.d
Runlevel 2 has /etc/rc2.d
Runlevel 3 has /etc/rc3.d


Have a look at the files in /etc/rc2.d

You see files (actually symbolic links) beginning with S

The S files are called when the system boots (There were files beginning
with K for shutdown scripts but they moved somewhere ....)

The number after S indicates the sequence how the files are called. E.G
S2<something> is called before S99<something>.

SO when you do not want to start xdm at startup remove the

Dont remove /etc/init.d/xdm because you might want to use that script
later again, by making a symbolic link to it from /etc/rc3.d/ or
/etc/rc4.d etc.

Have fun.


On Sat, 2002-07-13 at 11:45, I am the LinuxAlien wrote:
> Currently X starts up when I turn the computer on. This means I amd 
> presented with xdm. How can I change this so I login with the Virtual 
> Terminals? What are the system boot/startup files?
> I use deb potato.
> Tim
> LinuxAlien                ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
> linuxalien at optusnet.com.au `6_ 6  )   `-.  (    ).`-.__.`)
> Riverton, WA               (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `.``-..-'
> Linux Rules              _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
>                          (il),-''  (li),'   ((!.-'
> Au National Linux Conference 2003: http://conf.linux.org.au/

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