[plug] database authentication

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Sun Jul 21 21:59:56 WST 2002

On Sun, 21 Jul 2002 20:43, sol wrote:
> sol at localhost:~$psql -U sol cdcol
> psql: FATAL 1: IDENT authentication for user "sol"

Make sure your postgresql is listening on the network (may need to add -i in 
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql), then do this:

    psql -h localhost sol sol

...if it didn't prompt you for a password, prepend -W to the options. Use 
`psql --help' for more options.

And don't ask me why this works, because I don't know, I just tried your way, 
then tried the way that's always worked for me. I think you may need to have 
an identd service up if you've connecting locally as other than the `owner' 
of postgresql but that's only a suspicion. I don't have identd installed.

Cheers; Leon

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