[plug] ADSL issue (Arie?)

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Sun Jul 28 22:10:21 WST 2002

On Sun, 28 Jul 2002 21:40, Richard wrote:
> The lesson here is, if the brainless nincompoop you get when
> ringing Telstra says "it can't be done" they are almost always wrong.
> Just try ringing another number/time and you may get a completely
> different answer.

...which also amounts to `it can't be done'. (-:

Sometimes it takes a few tries. I find that sometimes it helps to deliberately 
ring the wrong department, then ask them if they have a name in their 
internal directory for `someone who knows about these things'.

Arie de Vries may know of some other tricks, having until recently worked for 

Cheers; Leon

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