[plug] [slightly OT] IP address from netbios name?

Andrew Furey simpware at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 30 13:45:04 WST 2002

> This seems too simple, but if all the windows
> machines have netbios
> installed you just ping the netbios name and it will
> give you the IP.
> But in the same context if netbios is all running
> nicely you should be able
> to telnet directly the the netbios name.

Ah, OK. I wouldn't have thought that netbios and
TCP/IP were that closely tied, but if it works then
that'll do. :)

No, I haven't actually tried it; this is for a LAN
that I'll be putting a woody box on soon (when I find
time), but I haven't looked into the network setup too
much. The only networks I have easy access to both
have real DNS anyway so I can't test on them...



PS. Shouldn't the list have "Reply-to:" set? I replied
to the poster accidentally :-/   ... Tony/whoever?

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