[plug] GPL/LGPL Quiz (tricky)

Peter Wright pete at akira.apana.org.au
Mon Jun 3 15:03:26 WST 2002

In case you thought that you had a pretty good understanding of the GNU
General Public License (GPL) and/or Lesser General Public License
(LGPL)[0], you may find this quiz useful for shattering your illusions.
It really is surprisingly tricky. ;-)


I got 7 out of 9. D'oh.

And you're not allowed to go and reread the GPL/LGPL just before taking the
quiz - this is not an open-book exam *waggles finger sternly* :)


[0] In case you didn't know - the Linux kernel itself is distributed under
a _modified_ GPL, GLibc (the core system library) is under the LGPL, all of
KDE is under the GPL, most of Gnome is under GPL with the libraries under
LGPL. And, erm, you should find that pretty much all of the core Linux
system utilities (as produced by the FSF)[1] will be GPL, including GCC.

[1] There are some very significant non-[GPL/LGPL] tools such as Sendmail
and Postfix (mail servers), Apache (web server), Perl and Python (scripting
languages), Mozilla (browser-and-kitchen-sink), etc, etc. Most of these are
not "core" system tools, though.
"Why should I have to WORK for everything?! It's like saying I don't
deserve it!"	-- Calvin

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