[plug] Strange network problem

Paul Dean paul at thecave.cantech.net.au
Fri Jun 28 12:38:38 WST 2002


Have you checked /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to make sure
it starts on boot? ie 'ONBOOT=yes'.

Are you using 'pump' or 'dhcpcd' to manage your eth0 device?
Have you tried manually starting with '/sbin/pump -i eth0
--lookup-hostname' ?

Is your dhcp server still running? The eth card in your server still up?
Check your '/var/log/messages' file for anything informing.

Hope this helps...

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Steege, Phil E wrote:

> I have two redhat 7.3 machines, DHCP served, that are part of a four (4)
> computer home network.
> Recently I discovered the domain name I picked was in use out on the
> internet and was causing some problems.  So I changed my domain name,using
> the kde control panel, and checked on my windows2K machine ( I changed his
> workgroup name to the new domain name also) that I could still see the samba
> shares on both redhat machines, with the new domain name.  Everything seemed
> fine.
> I rebooted both linux machines last night (for no particular reason) and
> when they came back up they could not see the network.  I checked ifconfig
> and eth0 was there but had no IP address.
> The windows machine is also dhcp served and it had received its IP with no
> problems.
> I did a route command and the only route showing is the 127.0.0 route
> Does anyone know why a domain name change only, would cause this result.
> I used verified the cards in both machines were set up for dhcp and then, as
> root, did a "service network restart".  Everything restarts EXCEPT eth0.  It
> will not activate.
> I also tried it from the kde control panel and eth0 will not activate from
> there either.
> phil


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