[plug] KDE en_GB i18n question!

John Knight anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 13 00:21:49 WST 2002

Don't go by Aussie dictionaries, they're rubbish! Pommy English with a few 
more Americanisms and some inbred spellings? Feck that! Use the Oxford! The 
enrollment/enrolment thing was already covered, the "ll" is American.

We can't move it onto another mailing list, because these questions appear 
very infequently, and no-one would subscribe to the sodding things.

KDE Bloke

>I would also prefer journalling, but my guess is that either spelling
>would be acceptable.  I recently had trouble with enrol(l)ment; since
>pronunciation of the 'o' sound varies with accent, the "double the next
>letter" rule doesn't always apply.  The preferred spelling for
>enrol(l)ment isn't even consistent across Australian and English
>(British) dictionaries.
>Can I also suggest that these discussions be moved to a separate mailing
>list if they're going to become a regular thing?  They aren't really
>related to Linux, and I'm sure we're annoying someone.
>Perhaps the Australian Unitied Super Spelling Intellectual Eggheads?
>(since I missed out on the silly acronyms the other day  :)
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