[plug] ADSL layer2 gives resellers end to end control of data layer = benefit for Plug?

Daniel cottmain at yahoo.com.au
Wed Mar 20 18:57:24 WST 2002

Hello All,

Imagine if an ADSL isp would allow  'free zone' or unmeasured access to 
WAIX and or Aarnet etc., as well as their internal mirrors 
(Debian).  Perhaps they might also consider offering a group that 
approached them unmeasured access for transfer of data between 
themselves.(and even hdd space only accessible from the group [perhaps 
updated with special files/iso's]

The Australian Tuesday 19th, Page 30:
"Telstra Wholesale .... The layer 2 access gives Telstra resellers 
end-to-end control of the data layer, which includes the ability to conduct 
their own billing and offer other services, such as security."

iinet (still being set up):
Popular demand has encouraged iiNet to now offer a 'free zone' for all ADSL 
clients. Traffic between any iiNet ADSL connection and these IP Addresses 
(203.59.27.???) will not be charged for at all, increasing the value of our 
service to you.
Right now all traffic to iiNet's game servers (See below) will not be 
counted, you can play all day and not pay for any of the data created while 
gaming with your friends. In the near future we will include iiNet's News 
server (news.iinet.net.au), FTP server (ftp.iinet.net.au) and Tucows server 
(tucows.iinet.net.au) in the free zone (Any IP Address that starts with 
203.59.27.??? will be free), stay tuned!

Does PLUG have this bargaining power?  Would it get membership support? 
Might someone like iinet go for it?

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