[plug] Flaw disclosures are helping hackers

Jacqueline McNally jacqueline at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Sat May 4 22:31:50 WST 2002

Flaw disclosures are helping hackers
Caitlin Fitzsimmons
APRIL 30, 2002

"Scott Culp, the manager of the Microsoft Security Response Centre, has 
written a number of essays arguing that full disclosure is equivalent to 
"information anarchy" and is counterproductive to security goals. "It's 
high time the security community stopped providing blueprints for building 
these weapons," he writes. "

""Some vendors take an extraordinarily long time," he [Cyberguard sales 
vice-president Paul Henry] says. "

For patches, not the blue prints :)

All the best

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