[plug] Hardware

Nathan D natdan at pobox.com
Mon May 20 21:35:40 WST 2002

At 09:20 PM 20/05/2002 +0800, David White (or maybe Tim) wrote:
>I'm looking for any body that has one of the following items that they 
>don't need/want
>- 64 or 32 mb SD-RAM 66mhz
>- Graphics card that is better than S3 Virge DX 4mb
>p.s. anybody know of mailing lists/bulliten boards for posting this kinda 

Can't help you out with the hardware, but often you can find a local 
bargain on the Navada BargainBoard.  www.navada.com.au then follow the links :)

Happy hunting.

I have noted that some people don't remove sold items, don't reply to 
queries or post in the wrong areas, so be patient and good luck.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      ,-_|\
.  natdan at pobox.com .     /     \
.  Western   Australia .  -> \_,-._/
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          v
       ICQ - 778269

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