[plug] routing - prolly [OT]

Peter J. Nicol peternicol at vrl.com.au
Tue May 21 22:15:56 WST 2002

>  From: Mike [mailto:mikeath at iinet.net.au]
>  Im pretty sure with 98 at least that windows would not act as a gateway
>  unless the 98 machine was
>  Been a long time so i could be wrong
>  Not too sure about XP but it might help

98 and XP and prolly 2000 with ICS (internet connection sharing) are
*strange* beasts.  If you have an nic with an address, say,
and want to use it as a gateway for sharing, and you turn ics on, it will
become  doze will then start broadcasting dhcp with
as the gw and nat the traffic.  Now for the fun part.  Turn off ics, and the
nic reverts to previous ip, in this case  Fun for all the

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