[plug] Professional Linux Organisation
Arie Hol
arie99 at ozemail.com.au
Thu May 23 20:03:17 WST 2002
At 06:41 PM 23-05-2002 +0800, Colin Muller wrote:
>> All of us who use Linux to provide professional services also use a
>> lot of open-source software which is not exclusive to Linux in the
>> course of providing those services (ask Richard Stallman :-)). Why not
>> form an association which reflects that reality? I believe the broader
>> outlook inherent in doing so would result in a proportionatley broader
>> impact.
Why focus the name of organisation on Linux alone ? (No discredit to Linux
To be a truly professional organisation, why not embrace all computing and
information technology areas in an effort to NOT alienate the
people/organisations which you are trying to convert.
The bias of the organisation towards Linux/Unix is a good thing, but to hold
the interest of possible converts may be difficult if the name of the
professional association is bound strictly to Linux.
"Let everyone in and then them let pick up on the bias to Linux - for all
the good/right reasons" - if you get my drift.
As for a name - what about ?
West Australian Society for Computing and Information Technology = WASCIT.
Regards Arie
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