[plug] Pdf writer for Linux

Rob Dunne Rob.Dunne at cmis.CSIRO.AU
Tue May 28 17:00:34 WST 2002

I must be missing something here -- if I open a 
postscript file in Open/StarOffice I get 

%%Creator: dvips(k) 5.85 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software
%%Title: support_vetor_report.dvi
%%Pages: 10
%%PageOrder: Ascend

etc. Do you mean that you edit the raw postscript!

skribe writes:
 > 1. pdf2ps
 > 2. Open ps file in Open/StarOffice
 > 3. Edit.
 > 4. Save in ps format
 > 5. ps2pdf
 > 6. Invite friends.  Have party.
 > That works for me.


 Rob Dunne         Fax: +61 2 9325 3100     Tel: +61 2 9325 3263
 CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences
 Locked Bag 17, North Ryde, New South Wales, Australia, 1670         
 http://matilda.vu.edu.au/~dunne  Email: Robert.Dunne at cmis.csiro.au

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