[plug] Remote machines
Craig Foster
fostware at iinet.net.au
Thu May 30 20:28:38 WST 2002
Try to ssh tunnel from his localhost to your server's
Much the same as before except you're specifying a machine & port other
than just the server's local port.
PuTTY does this VERY simply...
Use it for Terminal Server all the time, as TS is quite insecure.
Craig F.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jre at relay1.wn.com.au [mailto:jre at relay1.wn.com.au]On Behalf Of
> James Roderick Elliott
> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 8:24 PM
> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> Subject: Re: [plug] Remote machines
> Thanks for all the information Craig - much appreciated.
> One more question - I am using a gateway device (D-Link) so
> if my ISP,
> Westnet, allocates me a dynamic IP address for the session, say
>, then it is the D-link device that actually gets this
> address, and the DHCP server in the D-Link device in turn
> allocates my
> computer an address like: .... so how does
> my friend
> ssh me?
> Kind regards,
> James Elliott
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