[plug] [plug[ alsa5 to alsa9 dependencies

John Knight anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 6 10:38:51 WST 2002

Hey up! :)
Anyway, I've got a problem with my sound side of things. I've just upgrade 
to alsa9 from alsa5 (0.9 and 0.5 for the pedants). This is on a SuSE box, so 
I've broken a FAIR FEW dependencies, that being with libasound.so.1. Does 
anyone have any tips about backwards compatibility (alsa9 uses *.so.2 btw)?

Also, I've just had to guess how to do a lot of this, including putting the 
driver initialisation in the startup scripts. Has anyone got some good tips 
and general dos/dont's for it? I'm using a SB Live! btw.

Tah for any help! :D

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