[plug] adsl opinions

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Wed Nov 13 14:08:46 WST 2002

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Leon Brooks wrote:

> There is also LinuxIT, who at last count (as LinuxWA) were badge-engineering 
> Conceptual, but I gather are now looking at alternatives. Conceptual seem to 
> be having an increasing number of issues. With Matt at the technical helm and 
> Scott's drive, I'm sure that whatever they (have?) come up with will be good.

What exactly does that mean, regarding LinuxIT/LinuxWA and Conceptual? 
Is/was Conceptual part of LinuxIT/LinuxWA?

There was something with Conceptual (I believe that is what used to be 
WASP), where their ADSL appeared to be for Windows only, and only 
capable of serving a single PC connection (could not be connected to a 
gateway PC on a LAN), from the information that I got from them about 
ADSL. Apart from that, there was an advisory notice that Conceptual 
payments would no longer be accepted at LinuxIT/LinuxWA. Also, the ADSL
modems available from Conceptual/WASP, appeared to be the DL ones that 
have been damned on this list, and the maximum speed available for 
normal home use, appeared to be 128kb/s, from the information that I was 

So, clarification of all of this, would be good.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Douglas Adams, 1988

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