[plug] debian users on ADSL tip

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Tue Nov 19 19:46:45 WST 2002

> Does iiNet offer ADSL in bridged mode without authentication?

Nope. AFAIK that's being phased out by Telstra (if you mean the Layer 3 
service, so called FlexStream) and can't be provisioned any more. We 
were on it 'till 1 1/2 weeks ago when we switched to the newer L2TSP 
system to be able to get >500Mb allowances etc. Bandwidth costs were 
getting /nasty/. Of course, iiNet didn't tell us that L2TSP wasn't 
actually noticeably working at the time we switched. Today is the first 
day we've had w/o 1, often 2 outages during business hours. Hopefully 
it'll improve....

> I'd be more inclined to point the
> finger at Telstra than iiNet, as Telstra's current track record with
> wholesale ADSL in WA is pathetic to say the least.

I'm always more inclined to point the finger at Telstra. In this case 
however our Westnet "home" service (Which goes down 1 - 3 times daily 
for 5 - 30 minutes usually) is actually outperforming our "business" 
ADSL service with iiNet. iiNet are only able to say "I don't know whats 
wrong and we don't know when it'll be fixed". Its looking like this is 
at least partly an iiNet problem.

Speaking of which, must install the Alcatel SpeedTouch Pro WestNet sent 
me to try to fix our DSL problems at home, see if that helps.

BTW iiNet don't support multilink ppp (which would be an ok workaround
for the DSL problem as 90-112 kbps is much much better than 40-56 and 
would probably actually let us get ads in on time etc.

Craig Ringer

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