[plug] AMD Monster Server

Brad Campbell brad at seme.com.au
Thu Oct 10 17:32:02 WST 2002

G'day all,
I have been charged with the fun tesk of assembling a nice
Dual Athlon server. 1GB Ram, 2 120GB IDE, 4 36GB 15k RPM SCSI
on an Megaraid card.

I'm after recomendations on Dual Athlon server boards..
Anyone have an experience with these, or have one next to
the bed at home?

Also, any gotchas with the AMI Megaraid cards and setup of?
I can't remove the raid card or drives from the machine they
are in until the weekend I cut the whole thing over, so it 
would be nice to know in advance that whan I plug it in it
might actually work :p)

The array is currently NTFS, but that will become ext3 in the
new box.

I have convinced an accounting software company, who use Win32
front ends, usually talking to a win2k MySQL box to let me
use a Linux MySQL box instead <Wheee>
Heads up, here comes another Linux convert. They were actually
both helpful and keen to learn a little about Linux.

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