[plug] Fwd: [Cooker] Xbox Linux support for Mandrake

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Fri Oct 11 08:24:46 WST 2002

>From the Cooker list:

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Subject: [Cooker] Xbox Linux support for Mandrake
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 23:56:13 +0200
From: Michael Steil <DESPAMMED>


I am Michael Steil from the Xbox Linux Project. I have had a
conversation with Gael and Jacques from Mandrake and I was told that
they don't officially support Xbox Linux, but they support it
non-officially. Jacques suggested to discuss about this on this mailing

As you might already know, the Xbox Linux Project succeeded in running
a full Mandrake distribution on a "modded" Xbox console; we just had to
use an installer of our own because of some differences in the Xbox

Me personally, and probably some others from Xbox Linux would like to
extend our work to integrate full Xbox support into the next Mandrake
release. Therefore we ask for some support in this mailing list, and we
might have to discuss some things on how to integrate Xbox support.

Some information about the differences of the Xbox:

The Xbox is basically a PC, but with some small differences:

1) Kernel fixes: PCI bug, different timer base frequency, different
shutdown method, no keyboard controller
These issues are already addressed by our kernel patches and they are
likely to be included into the main Linux kernel soon.

2) Kernel/driver extensions
We have code for the FATX file system used by the Xbox system software,
as well as drivers for the Xbox gamepad and the Xbox remote control.

3) Different boot method
The Xbox needs the boot CD to be in UDF format (that's easy with
mkisofs -udf) and the bootloader called default.xbe in the root
directory of the CD. This bootloader has been developed by the Xbox
Linux Project and boots Linux just as Grub or LILO.
When booting from HD, the bootloader executable and the kernel have to
be stored in a FATX file system.

4) Different HD partitioning
The Xbox uses an implicit partitioning scheme, but we can also use the
PC partitioning scheme in parallel.

5) XFree
Currently, only Framebuffer is supported.

So we basically have a patched kernel, some more modules and a
different bootloader. So what do we have to change in the Mandrake

1) Installer CD Boot Code
A default.xbe has to be added to the installer CD and the CD has to be
in hybrid UDF/ISO9660 format. The Xbox bootloader loads the standard
kernel, which has Xbox support compiled in, as well as the standard
ramdisk. Just default.xbe instead of El Torito & SYSLINUX.

2) Partitioning Tool
The partitioning tool has to mark the space used by the Xbox system
software as unavailable (if we're on an Xbox) for the user not to
overwrite the original software on the HD and render the Xbox useless

3) XFree Configuration
The XFree configuration program has to write its own XF86Config-4, if
we're on an Xbox. Well, perhaps the standard routines will work out of
the box.

4) Bootloader Installation
If we're on an Xbox, the grub/LILO installation has to be replaced by
the Xbox bootloader installation.

5) Kernel, /lib/modules
The standard kernel has to include the Xbox fixes; one kernel for both
PC and Xbox will be enough.
The Xbox modules for FATX, Xpad etc. will be added to /lib/modules on
all machines.

It's not that much. I'd love to help adding Xbox support to the
installer, and we can provide patches for the kernel to add Xbox
support in the kernel to Mandrake.



We shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them at the bootloader, we 
shall fight them...? (-:

Cheers; Leon

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