[plug] westnet ADSL problems with Debian
justin at inwa.com.au
Mon Oct 14 11:37:38 WST 2002
If you just want to try something different as a Firewall, but not blow away
your Debian install right away, then you could use one of the single floppy
firewall solutions that do PPPoE...
I have been using http://www.zelow.no/floppyfw/ with iinet for quite awhile
with no problems (Both bridging and PPPoE)..
If it works, you could check the versions of PPPoE, and PPP etc..
On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 10:35 am, Craig Ringer wrote:
> > Not sure if this is linked, but the last week or so
> > I've also been having huge dropout problems... it's
> > been redialling 2-3 times per day on average, whereas
> > it used to go at least a week. (This is on Netspace,
> > not Westnet.)
> Doesn't sound good - but I've been getting the 2-3 redials/day since I
> connected. *sigh*. ADSL is nice - PPPoE SUCKS!!! I've got transparently
> bridged ADSL with iiNet at work - it was up for more than a year
> non-stop 'till telstra's little accident a couple of months ago.
> Sadly, wesnet support can't really help me since it appears to be a
> problem local to my systems (and a few others?), other linux users
> aren't having it with them. I'm considering ditching the debian install
> on the firewall and putting on smoothwall or something to see if that
> fixes it - but I /like/ having a flexible firewall.
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