[plug] Fwd: [OT but *URGENT*] Do You Have Positive "B" Blood?

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Thu Oct 17 11:42:05 WST 2002

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 10:19:32 +0800
From: Erwin Brust <DESPAMMED>

Royal Perth Hospital is urgently in need of B+ (B Positive) blood for some
of  the burn victims from Bali.

This is one of the less common blood types and there is an unusually  high
proportion of victims that have this blood.

If you are willing to donate and do not have a cold or other viral
infection at the moment, please contact the Red Cross as soon as possible.

Perth Office - 110 Goderich St, East Perth (08) 9325 5111

Please pass this request on to everyone you know.


Cheers; Leon
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