[plug] apt-get update problem

Phil Steege psteege at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 19 07:52:38 WST 2002

Recently I tried adding the freshrpms repository to my
/etc/apt/sources.list file.  I copied the original first.
I got the 'will not be authenticated' errors, so I returned to my
original sources.list, but I still am getting the 'authenticated' errors

Apt-get update problem
Command? I keep getting the following errors, when I try to do an
'apt-get update' 

Command? Reading Package Lists... Done 
Command? Building Dependency Tree...Done 
 Too many errors encountered; the rest of the message is ignored:
 W: http://apt-rpm.tuxfamily.org/apt/ will not be authenticated.
 W: http://apt-rpm.tuxfamily.org/apt/ will not be authenticated.
 W: http://apt-rpm.tuxfamily.org/apt/ will not be authenticated.
 Can anyone tell me what this error means?  How do I fix it?
I did a Google and web search.  I also read the apt FAQ, but could not
find an answer, or a reference to what "will not be authenticated"


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