[plug] video card swap
John Knight
anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 19 10:09:46 WST 2002
Two steps ahead of you, mate! ;) The BIOS is flashed and still no luck,
although we tried his old SiS 6326 in it and that was fine...... It's got an
IBM boot up screen and IBM written all over it, with IBM model numbers and
it's specifications match up with the IBM website's specs, so I'd say it's a
genuine IBM (I'm pretty pedantic about that! lol)!
Model # 2153E2A
BIOS/VERSION/ V70ENIX (that should be before the flash i'd say)
BIOS DATE 08/18/98
It's got an AMD K62-266 in it, which we're gonna stick a K63-450 in, that
should be a good *nix box! :D
Make lunch, not war.
>Hello, John.
>"IBM PC" as in "genuine IBM"? If so it might be a bios issue. If you
>haven't done so visit www.ibm.com, select Support and work your way
>through the text boxes denoting the style, model, type... You'll
>eventually get to a selection which offers among other things the
>downloadable files. BIOS should be among them.
>Before you reflash the BIOS however, make a note of what is currently
>installed -- press F1 during bootup and in amongst the list of options
>you'll find reference to the flash level. This is handy in case you need
>to retreat to that version, if the replacement does Nasty Things
>(tm). In something over 100 genuine IBM's, most of which have had
>flashable bioses, only one, a PC340, gave me grief. Flashing the bios to
>the latest revision made the video display unstable :-( The original
>version was available on IBM's bbs, along with all of its brothers and
>sisters. I could wrangle out the details for that site if you needed it.
>Finally, you say it only has ONE PCI slot? Wierd; the minimum I've seen
>is three in a desktop machine. If genuine IBM, what model/type is it --
>just out of interest is all :-)
>Cheers and HTH,
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