Solder Flames (was:Re: [plug] X-Box status update)

Harry McNally harrymc at
Sat Oct 26 16:27:01 WST 2002

On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 09:53:20 +0200 Tony Clark <tclark at> wrote:

> I actually perfere Scope irons.  I could lite my smoke with it when I wasn't 
> busy incenerating tracks on a pcb.  They had such a nice pretty red glow as 
> well :)  Then someone got a restraining order and I wasn't allowed near an 
> soldering iron every again. *sob*

Ah. You were forced at solder tip point out of the workshop and had to join the "Beware of Programmers Bearing Screwdrivers" brigade. My condolences :)

Still, if it meant you couldn't smoke anymore this was a GoodThing. Smoking hurts your body. <tsk tsk>

Whiskey is harmless tho' :) It's best taken between pints of Guinness.

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