[plug] [OT] Kate Lundy's web site (was: The $4.00 website ...Ummmm huh?)

Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Mon Apr 7 09:30:11 WST 2003

On Mon, Apr 07, 2003 at 09:20:03AM +0800, Ben Jensz wrote:
> James Devenish wrote:

> >Arie may have been trying to say that the site doesn't respect the case
> >sensitivity of IDs within HTML 4 pages (i.e., 1april2003 is not the same
> >as 1April2003, so the 'table of contents' links won't work in conformant
> >browsers). Some browsers may relax the restriction and the page will
> >probably work as intended with those browsers, thus perpetuating the
> >oversight. 

> Well her front page only comes up with a mere 40 HTML compliancy 
> errors.  Thats definetly a stark contrast from the front page of the 
> DCITA page with 397 errors :).

> >One notices <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft
> >FrontPage 5.0">.

> Maybe she didn't have a budget of $900,000 for software? :)  I
> think its a lot better than Alston's effort, especially
> considering that she publishes and updates her own web page
> apparently.

Vast difference between Departmental and personal sites.

I note that the Minister's "personal" website is
http://www.richardalston.dcita.gov.au is within dcita.gov.au, so I
guess he's paying the FBT on that as well.

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