[plug] LCA 2003 CD

Harry McNally harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Wed Apr 16 11:53:52 WST 2003

And it's got the video ! Yay, bonus :)

Does anyone out there have the humungus 1 GB version of the video or do I have
to fly to the UK to fetch it off James' laptop ?

I'd like to split it over a couple of CDs or a DVD I spose if someone has the
wherewithall. My DVD access is RO.  


linux.conf.au 2003		The Australian Linux Technical Conference
http://conf.linux.org.au/	22-25 January 2003 in Perth, Western Australia
It was huge.			Adelaide next year. I'm going.

Are you a computer angel?	http://www.ca.asn.au/

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