[plug] PCI Modem troubleshooting
jason at mantacom.com
Wed Apr 23 10:08:05 WST 2003
Thanks all for your info last Thursday. After a much needed Easter
break I looked into the problem again and for anyone interested in the
I discovered that I do in fact own some kind of 'not-quite-a-modem'
HCF=Controllerless? I didn't even realize win-modems existed! Anyway,
I downloaded a driver 'hcfpcimodem' from
http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/. After a *lot* of effort I got this
driver to work. It exposes the modem as /dev/ttySHCF0. I was then able
to talk to the modem and it does (kinda) work - it did dial once, didn't
connect, and locked up. The driver documentation did say that this is
an experimental release: some people had got it to work well, others
not. So it's probably simpler to buy an off the shelf modem.
Has anyone else succeeded in using an HCF modem with Linux? I'd like to
hear how.
For now, am I safe in assuming that any external modem will be the real
On Thu, 2003-04-17 at 10:29, Scott Middleton wrote:
No one has mentioned the possibility that it is a winmodem!
On Thu, 2003-04-17 at 08:27, Jason Smuts wrote:
I have just installed a 56k PCI Modem into a machine running Debain
(Woody) 3.0 in the hope of setting it up as my internet gateway on a
small network ...
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