[plug] Commercial: 5-day Linux Course-Perth

Ben New ben at leftclick.com.au
Fri Aug 15 12:03:17 WST 2003


I'd have to agree, with what everyone has said on this thread. I mean, 
we're all "experts" when we're talking to people that might be employing 
us aren't we :-) It's not exactly black and white as to what is and 
isn't an expert anyway...

I'm also in training (Java, web dev) among other things and it is 
difficult to actually "teach" people the basic concepts of these things. 
That's why a lot of trainers go for the "here's how to pass the exam" 
method. TEE at high school is the ultimate example.

I think the benefit (with offer in the original post) comes from just 
spending that concentrated period, with all the resources there 
(including the experts), focusing everything on learning the material - 
in this case Linux. I know with my experience with sys admin, I'm more 
worried about the job I need to do with the thing I'm installing, so I 
tend to just want to get things working and don't really care how it all 
works. This is probably where Microsoft takes the market, because most 
things do tend to work "out of the box" (although I must admit, Linux 
has come quite a long way in that department upgrading from 7.1 to 9.1).

Anyway, enough rambling... please post flames to /dev/null :-)


intra at slowest.net wrote:

>Trial and error mixed in with lethal amounts of caffine :)
>>From my last post it sounds as if i'm knocking the course, im definately
>not agasint it. Infact its a good idea, i've just heard bad experences
>with other training courses (not linux based) that just force feed you the answers and
>get you to pass it with no real insight as to how the equipment or OS
>Its also hard to define expert aswell.
>What contributes to being a "Expert"? 
>Don't you agree that the boldness of "expert" can be a bit fetching at
>PS. Sorry if i start a flame war or something.. just wanted to see what
>other peoples point of views are like.
>On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 10:55:01AM +0800, Ben New wrote:
>>But during that three years were you being instructed by "expert 
>>certified trainers," or have you spent the last 3 years like most of us, 
>>using trial and error?
>>intra at slowest.net wrote:
>>>Would be interesting to see how much you learn from a 
>>>compressed five day training course. Its taken me about
>>>three years or more of my life to learn linux :)
>>>Anyone else got about the same timeframe? 
>>>On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 11:33:50AM +1000, Nina Augoustis wrote:
>>>>Our next Hands-on Linux training in Perth will be held from 13-17 October
>>>>2003 by our expert LPI Certified trainers.
>>>>During this 5-day comprehensive course you will complete over 120 hands-on
>>>>tasks and activities - pre-reading is also sent to you before the course.
>>>>The course is distribution independant and introduces a broad range of 
>>>>Courses can also be held onsite - other hands-on courses of interest 
>>>>TCP/IP, Perl, E-security..............for more info go to
>>>>www.iit-training.com.au  or call us toll-free on 1800 654 103.
>>>>Thanks for your time -
>>>>Nina Augoustis
>>>>Quality Endorsed ISO9001
>>>>Tel: 1800 654 103
>>>>Fax:1800 813 536
>>Ben New
>>ben at leftclick.com.au
>>0407 089 890
>>Leftclick Software Development
>>08 9433 5380

Ben New
ben at leftclick.com.au
0407 089 890

Leftclick Software Development
08 9433 5380

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