[plug] Knoppix qwirk

Garry garbuck at westnet.com.au
Sat Aug 16 14:29:27 WST 2003


This had me scratching my head, so I'll relate the experience in case it saves someone else the drama.

Using Knoppix CD, (27/7/03) pppoeconf easily sets up my Westnet ADSL and I'm set. It just works. Doing a knx-hdinstall off the same CD, the connection is set up, but the traffic, even pings, don't make it to/from. The exception is the remote gateway IP. DNS doesn't work.

Problem is the default route is incorrectly set. It sends traffic by default to the local network interface, not ppp0.

If this saves even one person the forehead scratches and later bruises, BONUS!

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