[plug] Local Debian Repository

Adrian Woodley Adrian at Diskworld.com.au
Mon Dec 29 23:30:52 WST 2003

On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 19:34, Bernard Blackham wrote:

...I think only runs at 10Mbit, because of the interface it's hooked into. But you can get 11Mbit
> over wireless :)

Wireless doesn't even come close to 10Mbit cable, especially for
sustained transfers. This is mainly due to most wireless cards in
laptops are only cs, not cb (think ISA vs PCI). A 10MBit cb card can
pull through many times faster than an 11Mbit cs wireless card. I did
test this a while ago, but I can't remember exact speeds.
On top of that, there are larger headers per packet over 802.11b
compared to ethernet. This more than eats the increased bit rate.


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