[plug] [OT] Goodbye, Columbia

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Sun Feb 2 19:01:37 WST 2003

On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, Zillah Austin wrote:

> Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2003 18:22:56 +0800 (WST)
> From: Zillah Austin <zillah at tartarus.uwa.edu.au>
> Reply-To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> Subject: Re: [plug] [OT] Goodbye, Columbia
> Resent-Date: Sun,  2 Feb 2003 18:23:11 +0800 (WST)
> Resent-From: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, Bret Busby wrote:
> *snip*
> > And, how responsible is Howard, for the deaths and damage caused by the
> > bushfires in Australia, when he regards it as more fun to kill arabs,
> > than to defend Australia? He and his governmnet refused funding for the
> > large firefighting helicopters to deal with the bushfires that have
> > occurred, instead spending our money on sending our mercenary military
> > to fight for Bush, in his war to terrorise the world.
> *unsnip*
> Are you accusing John Howard for the bushfires?
> Resources were stretched thin over three fire fronts hitting
> northern and southern suburbs.
> The wind speed was up to 80 kph and the temperature soared over
> 39 degrees.
> The ACT fire chief, Peter Lucas-Smith, said 1000 emergency workers would
> be on the ground, as well as 110 fire trucks and 22 helicopters.
> Apparently the ACT bushfire crews could handle up to 8 house fires at a
> time, but the Canberra bushfires were something horrendous and needed up
> to a 1000 fire trucks to make some inpact and protect the 530 homes that were
> destroyed.
> Nothing John Howard could have done, would have prevented the Canberra
> bushfires and you shouldn't blame him for it.
> Kind Regards,
> Zillah :)

It is explained in the paragraph of mine, that you quoted.

He refused state requests for the large orange firefighting helicopters, 
some months ago.

He clearly thinks it more fun to kill arabs, than to protect 

That was made clear, above.

He is responsible for the bushfires; for the deaths and the extent of 
the damage, by his actionb to refuse the provision of the necessary 
firefighting equipment, when needed.

It is explained clearly enough above.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of 
  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
  written by Douglas Adams, 
  published by Pan Books, 1992 

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