[plug] Tuesday 6pm Matilda Bay Tearooms = preAGM 'dinner'

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Sun Feb 9 20:03:20 WST 2003

On Sunday 09 February 2003 03:53 pm, Daniel wrote:
> Would you like to have something to eat down by the river before the
> plug AGM?

> BYO everything, but this should make it easier:

> Steves Hotel have refreshments (cold coke?)

> Dominos have kindly agreed to the discount price of $5.95 for pickup
> pizzas if we mention 'plug' [maybe give them lots of notice (> 1 hour?)
> when you ring your order]

A fine idea! And there's lots of other stuff about (Chinese, fish-n-chips, 
Thai, deli food) along Broadway.

Cheers; Leon

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